恶魔阿萨谢尔在召唤你是由水岛努,满仲劝,湖山祯崇,岩崎太郎执导,浪川大辅,佐藤利奈,白石凉子,小野坂昌也,中井和哉,小林优,神谷浩史,玄田哲章主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:鬼畜属性的芥辺(浪川大辅 配音)表面上只是个普通侦探,实际却是召唤恶魔解决众多难题的恶魔侦探。作为助手的工读生佐隈玲子(佐藤利奈 配音)在芥辺的事务所工作2个月之后,芥辺终于向玲子展示了自己召唤恶
story feels like a lump of pulpy mush, no climax or any cadence. Try to tie the lose end of the story from Casino Royal. Put bond in a cheesy position for the girls. You have to be there whenever there’s a vulnerable situation going on with the girl? I’m gonna watch sky fall next, see if he pulls his good old tricks