任意依恋是由朴铉锡,车荣勋执导,金宇彬,裴秀智,林周焕,林珠恩,刘五性,陈庆,崔武成主演的一部韩剧。主要讲述了:讲述年少时期因为令人伤痛的恶缘而分离的两个男女,在长大后以目中无人的超级甲方topstar和卑躬屈膝又势力的超级乙方纪录片导演再次相遇后刻薄又凄美的爱情故事。 剧中,金宇彬变身俘虏女星芳心的知名歌
Afghanistan, a war-torn country, which has been at war for decades. Everyone is at stake, especially for girls. Watching one of 12-year-old girls sit in the classroom and say that none of them can read or write is frustrating, disappointed about the fuc*ing world. Such a shiny country does the gloom hover over.