输赢是由张黎执导,陈坤,辛芷蕾,王学圻,张子健,刘威葳,吕中,王庆祥,郭广平,张宥浩,芦芳生,包文婧,栾元晖,梁超,李感,孙铱,兰海蒙,鞠帛展,贺雨禾,朱颜曼滋,陈依琪,高冬平,刘洋珂,张雯主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:剧集讲述了在万物互联的新时代下,有着“南周锐,北骆伽”之称的技术派销售周锐(陈坤 饰)与走心派销售女王骆伽(辛芷蕾 饰)在市场竞争的浪潮中狭路相逢,感受对手与爱人的复杂身份变换,体会合力的焦灼的都
4.6 结局美好得不真实, 出色的剧本, 喜欢帽子和那一瓶果酱, 我们都像秘书一样, 一开头惊讶于他的愚蠢, 为了那份主旋律而感到肉麻,却逐渐被the Silver Knight所感动. 曾误以为这是最差的主旋律颂歌, 却发现原来是一场最理想的战斗, 他的武器只有Filibuster, 敌人拥有的太多, 但这终究是the only causes worth fighting for. -Not too loud, a couple of the Senators might want to sleep -Have you ever noticed how grateful you are to see daylight-After coming through a long dark tunnel? -I wonder if it isn't a curse to be wised up like you and me. -You've never seen prairie grass with the wind leaning on it "Does the wind get tired out there?" -Our steamroller methods are getting too hard for your sensitive soul?