警视厅局外人是由木村尚执导,西岛秀俊,滨田岳,上白石萌歌,柳叶敏郎,石田光,优香,野波麻帆,长滨祢留,斋藤工,片冈爱之助,福士诚治,小松和重,长田成哉,渡边圭介,青山伦子主演的一部日剧。主要讲述了:樱町中央署刑事课的王牌莲见光辅(滨田岳 饰),听到可疑男子拒绝询问并逃走的消息后,立刻赶到现场。冷静地说服挟持人质的男子,让他投降只差一口气了…就在这时,突然,穿着双排扣西装戴着墨镜的黑社会打扮的
The balance of power between the citizenry and the government is becoming that of the ruling and the ruled, as supoosed to actually, you know, the elected and the electorate.
Some may find the narrative too flat before the murder took place, but tension was built underneath the physical scenes by revealing the intrusive side of the man Jean-Paul. Still the murder is somehow based on meaninglessness and it’s hard for the audience to look inside and therefore there’s a gap of resonance against the abundance of absurdity.