人生几度秋凉是由陈燕民执导,张铁林,李诚儒,李立群主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:满清政府倒是倒台了,可是洋人、军阀、革命军你方唱罢我登场,在古老的华夏大地上演连场精彩却又无比沉重的大戏。熙熙攘攘的舞台上下,连平头老百姓也不自觉被卷入其中。老北京海王村,周彝贵(李成儒 饰)从师
Cheers, Mr. Berger! "History cannot have its tongue cut out." "To protest is to refuse being ruduced to zero and to an enforced silence. Our protests by building a barricade, taking up arms, going on a hunger strike, linking arms, shouting ,and writing, in order to save the present moment, whatever the future holds.” ."