天天天晴是由曾励珍,徐遇安执导,毛舜筠,黎耀祥,李司棋,李思捷主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:昨日毛舜筠、黎耀祥、李司棋、王喜及田蕊妮等人出席无线新处境剧《天天天晴》的开厂拜神仪式,毛姐表示此剧将会是她最后一套电视剧,之后会重投电影圈及多抽时间照顾家庭。 剧中饰演珠宝设计师的毛姐,将与祥
3.5 interesting, the protagonist went through some stages of the grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression (not much), and acceptance. got to say Ruben handled it quite gracefully given the situation. but I wonder what does it really mean to lose hearing for a musician. and guess the real question is what's next without girlfriend and drummer..